Silent Auction - VIP Burlesque Experiences:
VIP Experiences are at the discretion of the
individual performer, and can include
a seat ON Stage or other Swag Basket options.
Performers set the Minimum Bid (ranging from $25-100+),
and they keep 100% of the winning bid.
Bid on an opportunity to receive a uniquely personal experience with your favorite performer.
Must be present at the show to bid and win.
Doors open at 7:00 for the Pre-Show.
Auction closes 10 minutes into Intermission.
Funds must be received before the 2nd half starts,
or the next highest bidder will win.
Please be at the table during Intermission.
Pay in cash or directly into the performers app:
Venmo, CashApp or Paypal.
This years experiences so far, are:
VIP Seat on stage with Katarina Ohh, representing Arielle's Burlesque
VIP Seat on stage with Onyx Fury, representing Denton's Burlesque
VIP Seat on stage with Donna Denise, who is a DFW Legend
Swag Bag full of Goodies with Vixie St. Claire, Representing Nerdlesque
Swag Bag full of Goodies Katarina Ohh, representing Arielle's Burlesque
Authographed Photos with Molly Macabre, Representing Plumb Askew
Authographed Photos with Helena Isis, Representing Nerdlesque